Chapter 3 - Summer of 2014

Texts from J.J. were a part of my day that I looked forward to. He wasn't someone that I was in love with or someone that I would like to date, but he definitely knew how to make my day.

He and I would spend hours texting each other. I would laugh at my screen to his silly jokes. They were the lamest jokes ever, but somehow, they made me laugh. Our BBM chats comprised of emojis that meant HAHAHAHAHAH and texts that read HAHAHAHHAHAHAH.

After coming back from India, he asked me to meet him. It had been a year since I had even considered meeting someone new, but I really wanted to know him more, meet him and share my day with him.

We decided to meet at a mall close to my house, the plan was to meet, talk and beat ass at bowling.

Bowling was fun, I lost by almost 100 points. He was good and also a big show off. On the last ball, he turned his back to the bowling alley, looked at me, smiled, swung his arm in one swift motion and let the ball do the rest. Obviously, it was impressive. He hit strike.

One thing that I learned about J.J. that day was, he will do anything and his best at that to impress a girl that he likes.

After an arm breaking game of bowling, we decided to do some window shopping.  He went from shop to shop with me, admiring the way I got excited when I saw a pretty dress or when I made a disgusted face at something that looked ridiculous.

He asked me if I liked wearing crop tops, ha ha, only if I knew what crop tops were ...

I told him that I didn't and started towards another shop. We looked at some shoes and well, my love for heels could not be concealed, I called for a size 36 in a beige stiletto and waited while he looked around for something too. He came and sat by me as I tried on the stiletto. I did a little walk for him and asked him how they looked. He actually looked at them and said to me that they looked good. In that moment, I realized that I had finally found someone, a guy, who was as into it as me in shopping. I also realized that he genuinely liked being involved.

For years, I have been going out with guys that either disliked shopping, came shopping with me just for my sake and made a disgusted face or never even met me, let alone shop with me. J.J was beginning to make me wonder if I had been going out with the wrong guys all this time...

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